Excellent! Here is the web post for the incredible shrinking, stretching iPhone for Mitzen.ca:
# The Incredible Shrinking, Stretching iPhone
![Little phone, how I miss you.](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/R6drszmEIU-W4oH7uStPycaTghw=/0x0:2002×1335/1310×873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73480281/vpavic_210916_4760_0240.0.jpg)
We’ve [already heard rumblings](https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/17/24159114/iphone-17-slim-rumor-2025) about an iPhone Slim model taking the place of the iPhone Plus in 2025, making it the iPhone 17 Slim. Now, [a new report](https://medium.com/@mingchikuo/%E9%97%9C%E6%96%BC2h25%E6%96%B0%E6%AC%BEiphone-17%E7%94%A2%E5%93%81%E7%B5%84%E5%90%88%E8%88%87%E8%B6%85%E8%96%84iphone-17%E7%9A%84%E9%A0%90%E6%B8%AC%E8%88%87%E5%88%86%E6%9E%90-predictions-and-analysis-of-the-2h25-new-iphone-17-1528d0772610) from Apple supply chain expert Ming-Chi Kuo corroborates earlier claims, suggesting that the company’s incredible shapeshifting non-Pro iPhone is about to evolve yet again.
Kuo agrees it will come with a 6.6-inch screen and adds that it’ll have just one rear-facing camera along with the company’s beleaguered [in-house 5G chip](https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/21/23883565/apple-5g-modem-failure-inside-story). Kuo says that the Slim model won’t be a direct replacement for the Plus; instead, it represents “new design trends beyond the existing iPhone lineup.” That tracks with rumors that [it might cost more than the $1,200 Pro Max](https://www.theinformation.com/articles/apple-plans-a-thinner-iphone-in-2025).
Apple has had one heck of a time trying to…
[Continue reading…](https://www.theverge.com/2024/7/24/24205325/slim-iphone-17-rumor-plus-mini)
This post highlights the upcoming iPhone 17 Slim model, its innovative design features, and the evolving trends in Apple’s iPhone lineup. Stay tuned for more updates on the tech industry at Mitzen.ca!